Wednesday 11 July 2012

The Launch...

Ok, a few things about me to get started....

I'm 30 years old and living in Edinburgh, Scotland.
I live with my amazing girlfriend and 4 month old son.
I have run marathons and half marathons in the past but, since the wee man was born I have ballooned up to my heaviest weight ever.
I am 245.5lbs and have a target weight of 210lbs by April 2013 when we plan to get married.

Oh, and I have never written a blog before!

The way I see it, there are two main things that I need to change. Diet and Exercise.

This may seem simple but with a 4 month old and a full time job, both are proving difficult. Since the wee man arrived, it has been all too easy to get take-aways, eat biscuits and cakes when I get the chance to keep my energy up and help me through the day.

Luckily, my girlfriend (Mrs Fitness) is also keen to drop a few pounds and has vowed to help by making sure no rubbish crosses our threshold! So that only leaves the part of the day I'm out of the house up to me and my willpower!

Speaking of being out of the house, that is exactly what I need to do to take care of the second point, exercise.
Since the wee man arrived we have settled into a routine where Mrs Fitness will do the middle of the night feed and I will get up with him in the early hours until i leave for work. Thankfully, he has developed the habit of going back to sleep in the early hours which gives me some free mornings.

I have to take advantage of this 'free' time even if it means getting up early and being out of the house by 7am!

I have to to do two things. Get to the gym on a regular basis and make sure no rubbish passes my lips.

To help me and other dads who have similar ideas and goals, I have also started a Twitter account. I'm not great with twitter but i will try and share as many tips, ideas and motivation ideas that i come accross. If you are interested i would be extremely interested to hear your story and/or experiences @fitness4fathers

I'll let you know how it goes....

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